And all is silent as a mouse…

You know the Christmas story where it was the night before Christmas, and all through the house….well, even the mice can be silent when the situation is right.  If you have been fighting the little critters for long, keep on the path of removing them, because it is important to your home.

Here are some things you should not try:

  • Glue Traps:  they will catch one mouse, but they are very cruel and inhumane.  I believe that this death for any animal is just too mean.  I have witnessed the agony that the mouse has to die with, and it is not pretty.  I am a victim of the marketing effort of this idea, and well, it is just not the best way to catch and kill.
  • Buy lots of snap traps and immediately set them:  This is like saying, Hi Mister Mouse, and here is the food, but whoa!  you are going to die if you eat it!  They will from then on be wary of any trap, and you will have less advantage.  The surprise is the advantage, do not lose it!  So, bait your snap traps, but do not set them for at least 7 nights.  That way, they will be good and happy to try on night 8, with no reservations, and you will catch that mouse!
  • Have food all over the house:  Snap top lids on food is really important, as mice will actually leave if the food is not around.  Sometimes they have food stored away, and you have no choice but to wait for the reserves to disappear.  So, keep the stuff in plastic tight lidded containers, and be sure you are not feeding them with a late night pizza box.

Mice are your worst pest, as they are smart.  Even on a silent night, you can be sure that the little buggers are going to do some damage if you let them, so be sure to NOT do these 3 things!

If you need more advice, be sure to go to:

Meet Your Mouse

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Dieting During the Holidays

What a silly idea-to Diet During the Holidays!

Have you ever heard of a diet during the holiday season?  What fun is the celebration if you can not let yourself enjoy the festive food and drinks?  You should be able to find the holiday season fun, and still enjoy your favorite foods, but do it with great judgment.

Eat before you go to the party

Sounds kind of silly, but if you eat a hearty protein enhanced meal, with no sugar and starches an hour before you are to arrive at the party, you will have less temptations to over eat and drink.  The holiday season is about rekindling personal relationships with friends and family, and not about getting fat!  What good will it do you to over eat on chips, dip, and sugary cookies if you are in a new initiative to become the new you!  You can eat before you go, take a small plate from the buffet table, and enjoy what you want.  You will already be full, so you will eat less, and be OK with enjoying your time.

Share your new mindset with others!

The best way to keep your focus during this time is to ensure your ability to be the best new you, and share your new found passion to become the new you.  If you are working on losing weight, you have learned much about healthy one ingredient foods, to stay away from sugars and starches, and what drinking water can do to improve your life.  Share your story and you will be intriguing and the life of the party!

Dance, dance, dance the night away!

Right along with your new found positive mindset, comes a great new energy, so do not let it stop you from forming a dance party right in the living room, increasing your happy energy, and sharing it with others.  Or, plan to play a game, and bring one so that everyone can enjoy!  This is perfectly acceptable, and your host does not have to provide every part of the party.  Enjoy your friends and family, learn to break away from just the food, and you will be glad you did.

Lose Weight during the Holidays, but be sure to enjoy yourself as well!  Dieting is still the way to go, but do not let yourself miss all the goodies, just stop yourself from eating them all, and wrecking your new lifestyle with an evening out.

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Website Integration

Building a Website is Easy when you know the tricks of ftp and uploading files to the domain host.  The best web hosts use a cPanel interface, which is easier and better than more complicated ftp transfers built by in house staff.

Look for cPanel

If you are looking to build a site, be sure to check your web hosting companies standards on cPanel.  If they offer it, buy the cheapest hosting package that offers this valuable tool.  You can always upgrade when you find you need more email accounts or other storage requirements.

Integration is Difficult

If you have been so adventurous to build your own site, and have the files all ready to go to the domain host server, congratulations!  Some support from your domain host is a good tool, and you should be sure to use them.

A great web host support team is  as they are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  I like them as during my early days of learning, they were patient and kind.  It is not impossible for you to upload your files yourself, and you can actually call them, and speak to someone who knows how to help.

I have had great success with blue host, and they are more than some of the discount servers, but you will have your hosting in America, which is important for Google, and you will be able to call them.  I have found that I can call them, and within a minute I have a very qualified technician working with me on my issues.

If you have any questions, or need any assistance with building your website, please leave a comment, and I will be glad to respond!

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Oprah’s Favorite Things

One of my favorite shows is Oprah’s favorite things each year.  It is sad to say, but her last favorite things show is today, and we are going to have to wait and see if she continues this great practice of giving back to those who give so much.  What a way to celebrate great positive motivations!

A list of her Favorite Things

True, this year, there are two Favorite Things Episodes!  On Friday, November 19th, we had the pleasure of seeing a great list of items, and I did a site on them for your review.  To see Friday’s list, go to:

True, some of her favorite things are Mac and Cheese, and Brownie Mixes.  You can not blame someone for loving those items, but if you are on a weight loss initiative, it is better to look at the great book she has listed,” A Course in Weight Loss” by Marianne Williamson.

You can get to her book on the Link above, and it is a reflection of your life, and not a weight loss plan.  Truly, she has reached a nerve with me, because I very much believe that weight loss, or any new lifestyle change, is really a fabrication of your inner mindset, and without a mind reversal or progression, you will not accomplish your goals.

You can review the list of her favorite things, and when the new list comes out today, I will post that link here as well.  She is a great positive motivator, and do not let anyone tell you otherwise!


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Lose Weight with Positive Thinking

If you are constantly wondering why you have so much trouble with your weight, it could be you have all the skills and talents in life, but you are stuck when it comes to your weight.  If this is the case, you need to apply your same dedication and motivation to your weight loss plan, and you will find great results!

Motivation is in Positive Thinking

No one got anything done with a negative thought process.  You can do it easily, if you just step through your nutrition and diet in a simple way.  The fact that healthy food does not taste good to you initially is because you have some barriers in your mind and thought process.  You can do new and great things if you allow yourself to feel that you are gaining more by healthy food, and not losing anything with this great new plan.

Feel happy about the Changes

Do not think you are losing anything but the weight.  You are actually gaining life by evolving into a new and happier person with nutritional and valuable new food choices.  You are losing your bad food habits and choices for sure, but you are gaining everything by making better choices.  Pay attention to how much better you are feeling.  See how much more energy you have!  Why would you ever think that the junk you were eating before was better for you?  You are going to love life so much more with these new choices!

Reward yourself with great new endeavors

If you are feeling that you can handle more changes, take on some more positive change, and go back to school, take a class to learn a new hobby, or join an adventure group to get outdoors.  If this is something you would have never done when you were heavy, all the more reason to try it!

Congratulations on your new life!

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Quit Smoking and Forget the Past

If you are an avid smoker, chances are you do not even think about your smoking all that much.  It is just part of your daily task list, and you follow through to endure each day, not to enjoy this little crutch.

Smoking Is Not Pleasurable

If you have decided that you can quit, and you are ready, you have made this move because chances are you realize that smoking is not that pleasurable for you.  It really does not make you feel good, or taste good or bring you any form of relief.  It is true!  If you watch yourself during this process, often times you will be unhappy during a smoking event, and find that you are not all that fulfilled.

Wouldn’t you really be more happy to find yourself anew, and forget that you have ever been a smoker?  If you are really ready to quit, you can do it, with your consistent want to do so, and to let go of your smoking past, and find your non-smoking future.  It will take a dedication to your quit, and an evolution to your new life with dropping off old ways and old ideas.

Are you ready to quit?  Can you adopt a new mind set and let go of old ways?  I do believe you can!

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Coupon Queen

You are the excited paper reviewer each morning, and love the sunday paper.  You are really only getting the paper for the coupons.  $1.00 off!  Whoopie!  Never mind that you never ever have had athletes foot in your life and the foot medicine is not on your shopping list.  You can get a dollar off!

Do you have more shampoo than you can ever use in your lifetime?  Do you try a brand, then use it one or two times, and then never use it again?  You are not alone!

Coupons are Not Smart

OK, you can save money with coupons, you bet!  But what good does this collection of coupons do you, if you are not going to really need them?  Even if you think you are going to use them, and you do not, you are only doing some great distress to yourself.  I for one, think having a coupon really does not save you money, and here is why.

You are more inclined to buy more on a coupon

Buy one get one free, free lunch with purchase, get a dollar off, are all great ideas, if you were on your way to the restaurant or grocery to buy that exact item.  But, if you were not planning on buying that food item, or use that service in the first place, do you really need it?  Often times, the thrill of the deal, is just the same effect as the shopping trip, collection process at a garage sale, or a unnecessary trip to the going out of business sale.

Really consider objectively, without your emotional “its a deal” thought process, if you would buy this at 200% of the cost it is at now.  If you say, I have some of those, no I really do not like that kind of food, or I will never use it at that cost, you have your answer.

I believe many of us get sucked into the online coupon mom web sites, and really need to find good and effective ways to save money.  But, coupons usually are just a way for you to buy what you do not need.  If you find you really were going to buy the item, then congratulations!  That is a bargain, and they are not always that true.

Toss those coupons

You will be better off with out the nag in your  mind, of the stress of coupon cutting.  Do you clip coupons, then organize them in envelopes or your wallet, and find that you are always searching and looking for your coupons and deal books?  You are causing yourself undo stress.  Your time is more valuable than 50 cents.  You are entitled to buy what you need, and do it with the least amount of pressure and stress.  You are worth the extra 50 cents.

What do you think?  Do you think coupons clutter your life and your lifestyle?  Or, have you saved a lot of money?  Let me know!

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Happier Days Ahead!

If you are on a lifestyle change, you are doing this to become the best person you can be, and are looking forward to great results.  It will happen!  That is the best part of this mission, that you can see the fact coming forward, and it will occur.  You are going to have some bumps in the road, but do not stop.  You can do this!

Real life contains drama

Often times, your loved ones, who do love you, will question you, mostly when you need their support more than their indecision and uncertainty.  This is normal, as they have yet to catch up with your strength and realization that change is good.  Sometimes, they too, will need to commit to this change you are on, but are not ready for this change themselves.

Who can blame them from being selfish and unhappy with your change?  You may have to take a deep sigh, and let them catch up, in good time.

Do not let anyone or anything stop you

You know how powerful it is going to be to lose weight, and find yourself in a new state of physical and mental awareness.  You are going to have those trying to push food on you, send you into turmoil and indecision yourself with gentle chiding. Do not give up on yourself.  Find strength in saying no, and see how it feels.  You may not really see the results until after your statement is finally out in the open.  You are going to impress those around you.  They may be testing you.  Start with commitment to yourself, and show them you mean business.

Rely on Angels

There are many people who will support you, and they are your angels during this process. They will not judge, but assist you.  They will be on your side when you decide.  They will be your friends when you feel down and ready to give up.  Use this site as your angel.  You should make your commitment, and send in a comment, to ensure that you are ready to make the change.  You can do it!  With support, whether in person or online, you are going to find great results.

Keep your persistent abilities to move forward, and find your strength by working towards this goal.  Do not give up.  Commit to your weight loss goals, and ensure you are doing the right thing.  You are worth the effort!

You can lose weight, and you can do it with your commitment and dedication to the event.  Do not worry about those around you who are not as motivated in your goal as you may be.  They will catch up, but do not let them drag you down!

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New Lifestyles Will Take Time

Your Road to GreatnessWhen you are growing and learning new things, you often are very reflective and this supports a possible change to your current lifestyle.  This can be very concerning to those who love you and are happy with the status quo.  Beware of this excuse!  It can take time for you to grow into your new lifestyle, so in order to do it correctly, be sure to take your time.

Your life is a path not a completion date

It is important for you to take moments and relax during any new lifestyle change.  When you are learning about the new lifestyle, and you can see how great your new lifestyle will become, it is really tempting to rush the process along.  This can be devastating to your process, and will be too disruptive.  You need to allow yourself time to evolve into the new person you wish to become.  It will take time for your mind and your subconscious mind to catch up with your logical right brain.

Your friends and family need communication

If you are starting out on a new path, change can be scary to them.  They love the person you already are!  They have no problems with staying with your current frame of mind, as they love you just how you are.  If you are ready to lose weight, quit smoking, or get rid of some disorganization, you may have a battle with your family, as they have their own reasons to continue with their current mindsets.  And, this change will take time.  Do not prepare yourself alone.  You need to communicate what you have learned, and allow them to process through the path you have discovered.  As you are already on the path, you need to show them the road, and see if you can bring them forward with you.

Keep on your new path, and enjoy the process!  It is almost as much fun as the great results you will enjoy at the end of the road.

Your road to greatness will take some patience, and communication.  Not only are you the one on this path, but the people who you love and love you are as well.  They need time to understand how important this is to you, and what they can do to further your new lifestyle, and be part of the change.  Do not race to the finish line, as this can be ensure failure in your quest to find your new mindset.

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Quit Smoking When Ready

Do not think that you can quit smoking until you are really ready. The key to your quit, is really to have the power within you to overcome the initial nicotine withdrawal, and to be able to fight the long list of silly excuses you have built into your thoughts while you were smoking. One dedicated quit will go a long way to bringing you up into great success.

If you are growing into the idea, it is important for you to decide what you want from your quit. Are you doing this because someone has really pushed you, or are you pulling yourself into it? There is a huge difference. If you are initiating the process, you are going to have better success at the beginning.

You will need support from the people you love, but you as well will need to have the power of knowing this is the right step for you. If you are really ready, you will have such a better time of success, and will find the greatness within you very easily.  You have the power to quit, and to keep your quit.  It is a matter of ensuring that you are really ready that will bring you from smoking to becoming the non-smoker in you.

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