Bad Weather Rules : Make Use of Your Inside Time

All done shoveling?  Having fun with your snow?  We have had snow here in Minnesota since November 13th!  And, in that time, I have had a lot of welcome time to work on my house, and organize during this bad weather.  Not only do we shovel and clear off areas we have not yet done so-dogs need a place to poop in the yard now!-we have had some fun doing some much need tasks inside.

Here is a list of things to tackle, when you are sitting inside feeling glum.  Chin up!  A snow day is your day!  Do sit around and watch TV, do something to keep moving.  So, here are some ideas to allow you to make your home better than it was before it snowed!

Clean out your Bathroom

You know you do not need 14 bottles of shampoo. You can get a brown shipping box, and donate them to your local homeless, or domestic violence group.  Even nursing homes need a boost of bathroom related soaps and conditioners.  As long as it isn’t medicine, they will take it.  After all, this will simplify your life, and you will only have one bottle of shampoo and conditioner.  How many bottles have you tried and they just did not work out?  This will feel great to get rid of this clutter.

Paint your Bedroom or Closet

If you have had the same color for years, mix it up a little, and use some paint you have, and clear out the bedroom, and cover up all the trim and get painting! This will make your bedroom or closet so much cleaner and brighter.  Changes to wall color can be a great way to upgrade and improve your outlook on life!  Not only that, but you will discover some silly stuff you just piled away, and it is a great chance to donate anything you have not used in awhile.

Some Organization in the Storage Room

Oh my, what have you done in there?  It is really crazy in there, I know!  There is piles of stuff everywhere!  Now is the time to create three piles, donate, store/save, and toss.  You are going to have to move it all out, and keep this rule when you do:  Do not save anything that you have not used in 1 year.  No sentiment, it is just not that important.  If you have a hard time getting rid of something, take some time to think about how it just clutters your life.  Take a picture of it, and take a step.  Donate this great piece, so someone else can enjoy it.  If it is just in storage not being used, it needs to go.

There are more ways to enjoy your bad weather day at home, and make it ready for happy sunny days to come!  Keep reading, and let me know what you did on your snow day!

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Superwoman Slow Down

The modern day-to-day is wearing on you, and you need to find some time to rest and take some time for yourself.  Many times, the family stresses, financial stresses, and other responsibilities can build to a point of wear and tear.

Take time for Yourself

Sometimes people think when they are stressed and worn out, they should spend some money on a spa or a vacation.  Often this is a great idea, but you really do not have to spend your time away from your normal responsibilities at a posh hotel or vacation spot.

You can get together with friends and family at a local hotel, and spend a weekend together, where you all look after the group of kids, and share snacks, and meals together.

If the hotel has a pool, it can be great to rent the rooms near the pool, and let the kids run free in the comfort and security of the hotel.  The hotel can have a nice restaurant and bar, and pizza can be delivered for the kids.  Maybe a bowling alley is close by.  The possibilities are endless, but it really can be great way to take some time to have a relaxing few days, and just get away from the cleaning, cooking, and constant go-go-go of your normal life.

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Winter Storms and Your Lifestyle

Winter can be very hard on your body and your mind, as it is a time of increased darkness and cold weather.  With all the blizzards, snow, snowy weather, shoveling, snow blowing, and difficult travel, it can be a pressure cooker for many people.

Tips to Survive a Winter Blizzard

If you are having some snow or ice coming your way soon, be sure to have at least 3 days of food and water available in your home.  Do not skimp on buying the necessities like batteries, food, milk, and water.  Do not forget your pets, and be sure to let your neighbors know you are home, with a friendly wave.  It will be important for you to help them, and for them to help you if things get bad.

Prepare for Power Outages

Sometimes, the worst part of a storm, is not being stuck at home, but when you are at home, and it is dead because of power outages.  Do try to have enough batteries for flashlights, and if the heat goes out, get the windows all covered up, and make sure you dress in many layers.  Your home will get very cold quickly, but you can rough it safely, by sleeping together in one room, and sleeping in sleeping bags, with blankets around the room.  The amazing thing is, you can keep the room at 50 degrees easily with two people, and a candle in a safe place.

Be sure to keep your cell phone fully charged before a storm, and then use that phone to call your electric company, and let them know you do not have power.  Your neighbors should call as well.  The more information the electric company receives the better.

Stay Positive and Happy During a Snow Storm

This can be time of great family connection and fun.  Drag out the board games, and learn how everyone can connect better without all the electronic devices that we use each day.  Do not over-do-it with shoveling, as it can be very dangerous if you are not used to exercising on a regular basis.  More people suffer from heart attacks during a snow storm than any other weather event.

Learn how to help your neighbors, and be sure to take your time when you drive.  It can be very dangerous on the roads after a storm, especially if it gets colder and freezes even further after the actual snow fall.

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Exercise Can Lead You Forward

Finding that smile can be a difficult process, some days.  It is important that you keep your positive energy flowing each day, and that you never lose it.  It is really easy to lose track of your happiness with one bad turn, one unfortunate event, or even a tragedy in your life.

The best way to evolve into the new person you want to become, is to jump into an exercise program.  Whenever you are feeling down, a walk around the block will brighten your mood.  You can find great success with just a little exercise in your day.

The key to ensuring happy and positive motivation, is to always stop and objectively handle any bad mood, or turn of mental thoughts towards a negative circle.  Do not let these moments in time, rule your life.  It is this exact kind of circular thought momentum that has caused you grief and pain in the past.  And, the best way, hands down to find that happiness, is to do something good, and do it immediately.

The something good, can start with yourself. Exercise is a great solution.  It is the most powerful mental mood muscle booster.  Human beings are wired to move, and when we are motionless, it can be very hard on our moods.  We grow restless, and then despondent.  The steps that we take next usually drive us further past our life goals, and into a negative action.

Exercise does not have to be stressful, and a little bit of movement, each day is very beneficial.  Dance, walk your dog, roller blade, ride your bike, and find your muscles.  Chop some wood, get out and do something!  You are going to love how you feel.e

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Great New Steps Forward

If you are planning a great new future, going to school, and looking towards a new initiative in the coming year, congratulations!  The hardest part is starting out.  Often, we build walls on why we can or can not do things to help ourselves move forward.  It is human nature.

In order to rise above the competition, be sure to keep yourself motivated each day. Do whatever it takes to stay in front of your dream.  You can find great support by joining a club that interests you, staying connected online, and working at a part-time job that really interests you.

There are many volunteer organizations that need your help too.  Maybe you are studying child psychology, and you are hoping to get your master’s to open a practice at your local clinic.  You have big dreams ahead, but being in the field, will bring you more than experience, it will drive your dream.

Even when you find that you are suffering from a downturn or a hurdle, remember, these things happen for very good reasons.  There are great reasons this happens, because you are not losing anything, you are gaining valuable new insight, and strength.

Keep your positive edge, keep your dream, and above all else, do not let go!

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Sauce on Your Food

Creating your new lifestyle involves not only a new way of eating, new exercise plans, but also, new ways of thinking.  One simple and easy way to lose weight is to skip the sauce.

Ketchup, Mayo, and Your Favorite BBQ Sauce

The bummer part to this is you may be very happy with your meat being slathered in sauce.  This is a mental challenge, as it is a step you must complete.  If you are going to be the thin person you know you want to be, no excuse will stop you!  Sauce is not as important as your new life ahead!  There is so much good that is going to come from the cessation of syrups and starchy sauces all over your meals.

You do not have to give up the mustard, as it is a good sauce condiment, and has no sugars-usually.   The main bad trans fats and sugars are in your sauces.  The combination of sugar, salt, msg, and other chemicals will make you fat.

What you can do instead

Lemon, garlic rubs, mustard, flavored vinegars and some kinds of minced herb rubs will add the flavor that you are looking for.  Add these fresh herbs to coconut oil, and you have the creamy taste you love from your sauces.  The bottled sauces in your grocery store, will bring you only a reduced chance of bringing your weight loss efforts forward.

The best plan is to add only one ingredient items, and really push yourself to say no to the sauce on all your food.  The salad dressings, the meat sauces in American Chinese Food, and many sauces for Barbecue are going to bring you only woe, and will ensure you gain weight.

You will not lose flavor by skipping the sauce

Your sauce is really overloaded with salt and sugars, and often many chemicals to make it more thick or to stay soft.  It is amazing what chemicals can do to drag your weight loss efforts down, and if you want to learn more about why this makes a difference, be sure to visit:

Secrets to Lose Weight

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Clutter, Clutter Everywhere!

We have so many things today!  When a household started a 100 years ago, usually a bride and groom started with a traveler’s trunk full of clothes, a set of dishes for each of them, some crafting items, and bedding.  They made due with making tools, and creating their life with small use of items and things.  Today, we have more things in our hallway closet than they may have had in their entire house!

Start Anew

One of the best ways to begin a new clean and organized house is to start with the kitchen.  Often, this is the place where everything ends up.  Here is how to do it!

1. Clean off everything in the cupboards and the counter

Move it all into the dining room or living room.  Then, begin to wash down the cub boards and the counters with hot water and white vinegar.  You can get a great amount of dirt this way!

2. Section and Divide

You are going to find a lot of things that you forgot about.  Donate these items.  There is no reason to keep them.  Then, if there is any paperwork, coupons, or other business papers, off to the office area these go.  If you office in your kitchen, you may want to rethink this idea.  It is counter productive, unless your run a cooking business in your kitchen.

Place any item that you have not used in one year in one section of your living room floor, and any item that you have not used in over a year in an area where you are going to donate it.  If you are reminiscing about your cost of purchase, or who it belonged to, take a photo of it, and get rid of it.  You still have the memory of the item, and reminder, but one that will not take up space.  The value of removing this item from your clutter stash is high-you can save money by cooking at home, and you are going to eat better than you ever thought you could.

3.  Only return items you use frequently

Stop the useless collection of refrigerator magnets, and dusty dried flowers.  Replace with one small growing plant.  Remove any thing, kid made or otherwise, with a clean slate.  Think hotel kitchen.

This will be a new start for you.  You will be able to easily clean your kitchen, and think of all the great use you will have when you actually can cook in your kitchen again.  You are going to love this new lifestyle!

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A Great Video to lighten your day!

I believe that humor is the most curing of all emotions, so if you have some time, here is a very funny video to cheer you!  Do not stop to smile at a stranger, do not be afraid to say something nice, and never ever criticize unless it will really be thoughtfully and carefully explained to the person you are reviewing.   Our lives are so busy, chaotic, and you all need to slow down and enjoy each moment as it comes along.

Let me know how you are doing, and what you hope to improve on in the next few weeks.  I would love to help!

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Your Website Creation Reflects Your Business

Your business strategy is built on your skills, your product and your customer’s needs.  You need to build your website in this same direction!

Thinking about your Business Strategy

If you are often building your business based on your skill set and your partner’s experience path, you are on the right track.  You can not bring the best of your business forward, by pretending you know expert information in a topic you are not versed with.  This is a mistake.  It makes sense then, that your website reflects your expertise, and showcases your past knowledge base.  It is important you are bringing perfect value to your website.

Know your product and your market’s value

If you do not have a great deal of information on your product, but you have great expertise in the marketplace that the product is being offered, you need to educate yourself about your product.  Often times, a new innovation will occur in the marketplace, and you will be its ambassador.  Be sure to showcase your product with your expert opinion of its value.  You may not know the extent of the value of your product yet, but you can quickly find out this information.  It is a key piece to add to your website and your business.

Find your customer, and think like your customer!

Nothing is more important than your customer.  They are the ones with a problem and you have their specific solution.  Being able to reach them will be the goal and the emphasis of your website, so if you think as your customer, you will be effective in finding the right message to create a initiation to solving their problem.

Your business is very much running along side your website.  When you design and integrate a website towards your business goals, you are going to find great success!Are you lo

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Motivation comes from Within

Have you ever found that you are excited and happy when you have a new project or endeavor?  Or, that you are very excited and ready to go at the beginning of a new initiative?  It can be hard to continue that great energy, especially when you have challenges, people who do not see your motivation, or negative thinkers surrounding you.

Challenges will always be there, it is just how you see it!

If you see your challenge as monumental, and a huge climb, then it will be.  If you see some light at the end of the tunnel, and focus on that pick of light, and get excited with each accomplishment, your success to the end will grow.  You will meet your challenge head on, and you will be most happy to see the steps succeed, and become even more of a value to you as you move towards your goal.  When new steps become overwhelming for others, you will be unaffected, and even more motivated.  Your reach will always bring you further than you ever have seen before.

Dealing with the Naysayers

If you are constantly having to explain your situation, there should come a time where you agree with yourself, that you have done everything you can to explain it to them, and then just move forward to show them action.  Stopping in mid-stream would be the death of your morale, and your future hopes and dreams.  Do not ever let go of your dreams, or your motivation to show others that you can conquer any problems you may have.  You are the reason that others will be actually motivated to follow in your footsteps, and won’t it be fun to show them how?

Negativity is the Death of Progress

As soon as Negative thoughts, comments or voices are heard, the positive end reactions are certainly in risk of death.  It is not an easy thing to remain constantly positive, and you will have days where even you, will be uncertain.  But, the best way to find that positive edge once again, is to take action and move forward.  Do not stop, just because others are uncertain, or feel a sense of power by focusing on the negative in any thought or situation.  You must let these people move aside, because you have good things to do!

What do you think?  Have you had challenges, and negative naysayers stop you in your tracks?  Let us know how you handled them!

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