Finding Happiness

In today’s fast paced world, the way to wealth and health is often thought to result in finding happiness.  Or not at all!  The reason that we are happy and not sad, is often because we find a reason to live in a positive, motivated and purposeful way.  It is true, that you may be sick and poor, and your happiness value is higher than when you were healthy and had money.  How could this be?  The reason we may feel happier some days and not others, is because we are often led down a road of greatness.  How this occurs is different for us all.

Finding Happiness in Life


Happiness is In the Moments

How we complete a task of finding happiness depends on you and your talents.  Maybe you are a skilled cook, and your talent of making people happy with your great food, completes your happy quotient.   Or, maybe you are a research scientist and you have a quest to find a way to create a more powerful magnet to be used in many different industrial applications.  The possibilities are endless.

Finding your skills and talents is often a trial and jury process.  Not everyone completes this key step. Without a clear understanding of your key talents and gifts, you will struggle with happiness throughout your life.  That being said, some people know they are great builders of homes, craftsmen of wood or metal, and still never find their true north.  The next step to happiness lies in application of your talents to real day problems.

Please be sure to take stock of your talents and skills, and make use of them, by seeing if there are real life solutions that can be created by your particular knowledge of your specialty.  If you are a well rounded individual, and have many different skills, do not let go of your focus of what really makes you happy and finds you smiling at your most.

Finding Happiness in Your Work

When you are at work, do you find yourself excited to start each day?  Are there things that make you run at full speed, and sometimes, you wish you had more time to create a closer answer to the problems each day?  If not, keep searching for the path that really makes you push yourself.  Without this fire, this passion, and the relinquishment of all your past excuses, you will not accomplishment finding happiness.

Here’s why:  You can’t just make yourself happy, you have to make others happy.  The truth is, we are all great people.  We all want to ensure success for others.  When we see the positive changes in others lives, we are true to ourselves, and there is a new connection to all humanity.  Why else would Ghandi, Mother Theresa, or Martin Luther King Jr., give up their lives to the world? The simple fact is, they are being selfish in their unselfishness, because it made them happy.  To see the change they were hoping to create, was the goal.  Not for just themselves, but for everyone.

Doing Good for Others Equals Finding Happiness

This brings me to my last supportive argument, which creates new creative action to the benefit of others-give yourself totally to the collective group of humanity, and you will be successful at finding happiness.  The majority of us believe the acquisition of wealth creates the happy factor we are all searching for.  When in truth,  once you own something, there is no happiness in its acquisition, but only burden of responsible ownership.  The same goes for your actions as a person in our collective society.

When you create good will towards all men, you create a good flow for yourself.  Start to love yourself, and pass the trend on, and give of yourself completely.  Many lives have been changed by not large lifestyle changes, but small steps each day to become the best person you can be.

  • Open doors for others
  • Engage in polite chit chat
  • Listen and respond thoughtfully
  • do not engage in drama or over emotion as it creates a negative emotional state
  • Comprehend new ideas, and pass them on
  • Teach young people with patience
  • Support and care for a pet
  • Take time to meditate and bring silence to each day
  • Learn a new skill at each and every opportunity
  • Give up excuses and look to the alternative of saying yes
  • Take time to support those in need
  • Take up a cause that means a lot to you and tell your story
  • Stop focusing on money and wealth, and concentrate on knowledge and cooperation
  • Finding Happiness starts with your thoughts and attitude in life
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